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Community Demographics
+ Data Management
The Information Age is where data has become increasingly more powerful and necessary in our daily lives. The importance of effectively capturing, analyzing and reporting on community data and projects is intensifying. Communities and organizations are relying on data more to inform leadership and their decision making. 
Equip your organization or community with AWETZA to effectively manage your information. The platform provides data management for multiple areas that are designed to benefit Indigenous Communities and Organizations. With over 30 years of collaborating and listening to Communities, we continue to strive to offer tools that provide real solutions. 

// Community Driven //

Gather, manage and analyze.
Get in the driver's seat of your information and use it to your advantage to plan, evaluate and execute your goals.
Informed decisions = better decisions

# Flexible Options

Monthly and annual plans to meet any organizations needs. 
Add certainty and value in your community demographics to enhance accountability, proposals, reporting and more. 
Take the guess work out of your work.
Plans start from $100

Secure + Reliable

Saved, backed-up and protected.
Rely on secure systems for your data. 
Privacy and confidentiality is important - it's time to put these measures in place and take control of your information.  

Support + Maintenance

A fully dedicated team is available to provide support, service and training to meet your needs. We are here to work with your staff and take the stress out data management. Our team has over 30 years of combined experience in databases, client management, administrative processes, employment services, community development and more. 
A full suite of tools are available with the complete package of
AWETZA to fully capture, analyze and report.

Built to gather and manage member information (clients, participants, membership, etc.) Maintain accurate contact information, family details and more about your members.


Stay on top of your programs with data that matters. Track enrollment, participation, satisfaction and more. Analyze your data with tables and charts to inform your reporting requirements. 


Tools for tracking and managing Action Plans, Interventions and Follow-ups for clients seeking employment and training services. We support Indigenous Skills, Employment and Training (ISET)


Maintain a running log of your interactions with clients. Track staff, time, methods of communication and notes to keep your organization informed, focused and organized. 


Keep accurate details and records on infrastructure. Get a complete picture with statistics at your fingertips. Capture and track information on buildings, tenants, rent and maintenance.


Get access to real-time tables and charts on your data. With more information being gathered, more data goes into charts that are ready for analysis and reporting.

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Experience the potential
of powerful information

at your fingertips. 

AWETZA comes from the Carrier language
which translates to "that's it!"

This has been the driving force behind the overall idea and design of AWETZA. Developed from over 20 years of conversations and brainstorming on how to effectively manage information for First Nations, Metis Settlements and Indigenous organizations. 

We strive to hear feedback from our clients that express
"Yes, that's it! That's what we need." 

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Powerful information.

Data Management Service | Community Demographics

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